Sign in to your USTA Online Services account.  Don't have an account?  Start here.

Online Services and Account Management

  • Apply for/Renew your USTA Membership
  • Apply for/Renew your driver-trainer license
  • Activate a horse's electronic eligibility
  • Add funds to your Pathway* account
  • Online Horse Entry
  • Subscribe to/Manage your Hoof Beats Magazine subscription
  • Purchase USTA Publications
    Click here to view a pricelist of all USTA publications and services
  • Check your 'Work in Progress' at the USTA
  • Edit your Contact Information
  • View horses you currently own or lease
  • View your Online Services purchase history
  • Edit your Online Preferences
*Pathway is your USTA source for complete and official data on Standardbred racing, breeding, and data on the individuals who drive, train, own and breed Standardbreds.
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